Navigating and Submitting the Application

Once the information required in the Create Application section is entered, the user can move through the 11 sections of the application, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Application Summary Page

As questions are answered within each section, the user may click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save his or her progress. This action will update the Application Summary Page to show the section is “In Progress”.

Figure 5: Save Progress

Once all the questions within a section have been answered, click on the "Complete" button.  All sections must be marked as “Complete” before the application can be submitted.  Applicants can still make changes to sections marked as complete up until the deadline to submit applications.

When all required sections have been completed, the user may submit the application by clicking on "Submit" from the Application Summary page. The “Submit” button will not be active until all sections have been completed.

Figure 6: Submitting Application

Once submitted, a user can print a PDF copy of the application by clicking on the “Report” button at the bottom of the home page. The user can retain this PDF for future reference and to ensure inputs were accurate. Additionally, provided that an application period is still open, a user can “Recall” a previously submitted application made within that same application period, amend it, and re-submit it. The “Recall” feature becomes available after an application has been submitted and serves the general purpose of amending a submitted but active application prior to the close of an application period. Finally, if the applicant is not awarded a California Competes Tax Credit, the user has the option to copy and resubmit the same application in the next application period using the copy feature located in the “Options” tab. Please note various sections will have to be updated to reflect the new application period.