Welcome to this brief overview of the California Competes Tax Credit Program application…
The application process is entirely online... For sections that require more clarification, please refer to our help page for a detailed explanation of each topic.
When filling out a section, you can click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen to save your progress and continue on to another part of the application.
When you complete a section, click on the "Section: In Progress" button and change this to "Completed". All sections must be marked as completed before you will be allowed to submit the application.
At any point in time you can click "Report" on the Application Summary Page for a summary of all information that you have previously filled out.
When you have filled in all required sections and marked them as completed you may submit your application by clicking "Submit" on the Application Summary page. Your application will then be submitted to the system; however, if you wish to amend your application, you can recall it at any time and resubmit as long as the application submission period is still open.
Thank you for viewing this overview of the California Competes Tax Credit Program application.
If you have questions, please email GO-Biz at calcompetes@gobiz.ca.gov